Yearning For Her

Yearning For Her Tiffany Roberts


Yearning For Her

One night of passion that changes everything.

Willow Crowley’s world comes crashing down when she discovers her boyfriend has been seeing another woman. The dream she’d held of a life with him is shattered in an instant, leaving her alone with nothing except heartache.

She vows to never open herself to that hurt again…

Until a seductive, otherworldly stranger with white hair, piercings, and icy blue eyes promises her a single night of pleasure. No strings attached.

But that night isn’t enough for him. He wants more, more than she’s ready to give. How can she trust him not to break her heart when he isn’t even human?

Kian has lived promiscuously for four hundred years, feeding on the desire of the humans he and the fae considered prey. But when he locks eyes with a purple-haired female, something inside him shifts irrevocably.

No one else can sate his hunger.

He wants her.
Needs her.
Yearns for her.

Yet she refuses to submit to the carnal delights he promises. She wants more. She wants…love.
Can he mend her broken heart? Can he love a mortal woman?
Content warnings can be found on the author's website.

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Yearning For Her


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Um pouco pior do que imaginei
on 22/8/23

Comecei com boas expectativas porque vi fanarts lindas, mas foi rápido caindo por terra de que esse livro iria ser bem água com açúcar, e foi isso, não houve nada fantástico, mirabolante ou surpreendente, não é nada inovador, nem o bom e bem feito, só é isso aí, bem razoável, beirando o ruim... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 28
ranking 32
ranking 32
ranking 18
ranking 18
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
21/03/2023 09:56:27

editou em:
21/03/2023 09:56:52

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