X-Wing: Rogue Squadron

X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Michael A. Stackpole


X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (X-Wing #1)

Star Wars

They are sleek, swift, and deadly. They are the X-wing fighters. And as the struggle rages across the vastness of space, the fearless men and women who pilot them risk both their lives and their machines. Their mission: to defend the Rebel Alliance against a still-powerful and battle-hardened Imperial foe in a last-ditch effort to control the stars!

Its very name strikes fear into enemy hearts. So when Rebel hero Wedge Antilles rebuilds the legendary Rogue Squadron, he seeks out only the best-the most skilled, the most daring X-wing pilots. Through arduous training and dangerous missions, he weeds out the weak from the strong, assembling a group of hard-bitten warriors to fight, ready to die. Antilles knows the grim truth: that even with the best X-wing jockeys in the galaxy, many will not survive their near-suicidal missions. But when Rogue Squadron is ordered to assist in the assault on the heavily fortified Imperial stronghold of Black Moon, even the bravest must wonder if any at all will survive…

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Edições (3)

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Star Wars: Esquadrão Rogue
Star Wars: Esquadrão Rogue
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron


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Resenhas para X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (6)

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Bom no que se propõe
on 12/10/20

Escolhi comprar esse livro por ser um absoluto clássico dos livros do antigo Universo Expandido, atual Legends, quando a Aleph anunciou que ia parar as publicações pois fiquei com medo de não achar mais. E também, no assunto de naves, seu funcionamento e perseguições e lutas espaciais (as famosas ?dogfights? KKK) com elas, ele se mostrou bem útil como fonte de referência e inspiração pra minha própria escrita. Além disso, é legal ver de uma perspectiva externa toda a situação da galáx... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 106
ranking 42
ranking 39
ranking 14
ranking 5
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
20/02/2010 23:53:18
editou em:
12/12/2015 15:10:32

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