Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights Emily Brontë


Wuthering Heights

From the moment of his adoption by the Earnshaws, the foundling boy Heathcliff devotes himself to their young daughter Catherine. Growing up together, the two share a love that blossoms into romance, until Catherine's hurtful betrayal. But Heathcliff's emotions know no bounds and acknowledge no limits--not even death. Determined to secure the family estate of Wuthering Heights as his own, the tyrannical Heathcliff vents his bitterness on his and Catherine's heirs, manipulating lives and shaping destinies under the influence of a passion that has curdled into obsession.

First published in 1847, Emily Bronte's classic novel Wuthering Heights was acknowledged by readers and critics as a tale of dark romance as tempestuous and untamed as its Yorkshire moors setting. This exquisite collectible edition features an elegant bonded-leather binding, a satin-ribbon bookmark, distinctive stained edging, and decorative marbled endpapers. It's the perfect gift for book-lovers, and an artful addition to any home library.
In early nineteenth-century Yorkshire, the passionate attachment between a headstrong young girl and a foundling boy brought up by her father causes disaster for them and many others, even in the next generation. Includes explanatory notes throughout the text, an introduction discussing the author and the background of the story, and a study guide.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (73)

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Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights
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Resenhas para Wuthering Heights (202)

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O morro que gela a alma
on 15/6/21

Finalmente eu li O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes, clássico da literatura mundial e para mim uma total decepção. Ele é muito bem escrito, os personagens são muito bem construídos e isso é evidente em cada página e a Emily Brontë parecia mais uma veterana do que autora de um único livro. Eu digo isso pela crueza, se não crueldade presente em cada página desse romance. Conforme eu lia, eu pensava: como pode duas pessoas que se amam serem tão cruéis assim? Os personagens desse livro ... leia mais

Vídeos Wuthering Heights (1)

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[Eu li] O morro dos ventos uivantes, Emily Brontë

[Eu li] O morro dos ventos uivantes, Emily Br


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