Women Serial Killers: The Most Notorious Female Serial Killers Of All Time

Women Serial Killers: The Most Notorious Female Serial Killers Of All Time Jack Smith


Women Serial Killers: The Most Notorious Female Serial Killers Of All Time

Jack Smith

Women Serial Killers: The Most Notorious Female Serial Killers Of All Time - February 18, 2021

Discover the most notorious female serial killers of all time! These women serial killers committed some of the evilest and shocking murders there are. This book tells their story.

If you were to think of a killer, what’s the first thing that would come to mind? Is it a hulking figure with bulging biceps and a deep, gravelly voice? Well, what about a kind, sweet old lady? Or what about an attractive young girl who looks like she could be a supermodel? Such images may not match the popular conception of serial killers, but there are indeed killers who fit this profile. Women are less likely to commit murder, yes, but in the small club of female serial killers that exists, there are some rather outrageous characters.

Just take the case of the female professional wrestler from Mexico, Juana Barraza. She wrestled other women in the ring by day and wrung their necks by night. There’s also the stunning story of Sharon Kinne, who killed her husband, one of her lovers, and one of her lover’s wives—one after the other. Not only that—she escaped from prison and hasn’t been seen since! Here in this book, we highlight some of the most notorious female serial killers the world has ever known.

Crime / Não-ficção

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Women Serial Killers: The Most Notorious Female Serial Killers Of All Time



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