Will & Patrick Wake Up Married

Will & Patrick Wake Up Married Leta Blake...


Will & Patrick Wake Up Married (Wake Up Married #1)

oin the fun in this vibrant first installment of the new romantic comedy serial by best-selling author Leta Blake and newcomer Alice Griffiths!

After a drunken night of hot sex in Vegas, strangers Will Patterson and Dr. Patrick McCloud wake up married. A quickie divorce is the most obvious way out—unless you’re the heir of a staunchly Catholic mafia boss with a draconian position on the sanctity of marriage.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Will and Patrick don't like it, or each other, but they have to make the best of it until they can find another way out of their marriage. To ensure the trust fund Will's charitable foundation relies on isn't revoked by his mobster grandfather, he and Patrick travel to Will’s hometown of Healing, South Dakota, posing as a newlywed couple in the throes of true love at first sight.

Complicating their scheme are Will’s unresolved feelings for his all-too-recent ex-boyfriend Ryan, and Patrick’s desire to get back to the only thing that really matters to him in life: neurosurgery. Will they fool everyone? Or will the mafia get wind that their marriage is a fake? Throw their simmering attraction into the mix and all bets are off!


Edições (1)

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Will & Patrick Wake Up Married


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Resenhas para Will & Patrick Wake Up Married (1)

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on 28/4/21

Esse livro é um livro...farofa, sabe? O intuito dele é provavelmente divertir, e tem esse tom cômico. Consigo visualizar perfeitamente como seria um filme de romcom baseado nesse livro. Os acontecimentos são bem improváveis e caóticos, os personagens são legais, mas só legais mesmo. Achei eles engraçados, porque o Patrick faz piadinhas sarcástica e porque o Will ocasionalmente surta. No entanto, eles não tiveram muito desenvolvimento até agora. Foi bem rápido de ler, por ser um clich... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 21
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cadastrou em:
05/01/2019 16:13:30
editou em:
14/07/2019 11:30:23

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