When You Get the Chance (English Edition)

When You Get the Chance (English Edition) Emma Lord


When You Get the Chance (English Edition)

Nothing will get in the way of Millie Price’s dream to become a Broadway star. Not her lovable but super-introverted dad, who after raising Millie alone, doesn’t want to watch her leave home to pursue her dream. Not her pesky and ongoing drama club rival, Oliver, who is the very definition of Simmering Romantic Tension. And not the “Millie Moods,” the feelings of intense emotion that threaten to overwhelm, always at maddeningly inconvenient times. Millie needs an ally. And when a left-open browser brings Millie to her dad’s embarrassingly moody LiveJournal from 2003, Millie knows just what to do. She’s going to find her mom.

There’s Steph, a still-aspiring stage actress and receptionist at a talent agency. There’s Farrah, ethereal dance teacher who clearly doesn’t have the two left feet Millie has. And Beth, the chipper and sweet stage enthusiast with an equally exuberant fifteen-year-old daughter (A possible sister?! This is getting out of hand). But how can you find a new part of your life and expect it to fit into your old one, without leaving any marks? And why is it that when you go looking for the past, it somehow keeps bringing you back to what you’ve had all along?

Joyous, heartfelt, and brimming with emotion, WHEN YOU GET THE CHANCE is a novel about falling in love, making a mess, and learning to let go that will have you happy-sobbing and cheering all the way to the end.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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When You Get the Chance (English Edition)


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When You Get the Chance

Resenhas para When You Get the Chance (English Edition) (6)

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on 25/1/22

Um dos melhores livros que li até agora este ano. É fofo, é engraçado, é leve, a escrita é incrível, tão fácil de ler se inglês não é sua primeira língua. Eu absolutamente amei todas as referências de teatro neste livro, exclusivamente as de Mamma Mia, que é o meu musical favorito de todos os tempos. Esse livro sendo meio que um Mamma Mia invertido absolutamente fez amá-lo ainda mais. Os personagens são absolutamente tudo, mas tenho que confessar que Millie realmente me incomodou algu... leia mais


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07/05/2021 14:23:25
editou em:
12/04/2023 19:35:14

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