When a Moth loved a Bee

When a Moth loved a Bee Pepper Winters


When a Moth loved a Bee (Destini Chronicles #1)

High Fantasy Romance

New York Times Bestseller, Pepper Winters, delivers a brand new High Fantasy Romance.

“It’s taking everything I have not to touch you. Not because I want to make you mine but because every part of me screams that you already are.”

A pack of wolves hunt a girl who takes her last breath by a river’s edge.
She is found and nursed back to health by the kind-hearted Nhil people.
She has no memory.
No past.
And is given a choice that could change her forgotten life forever.

A pack of wolves adopt a man who begs for death in the grasslands.
Blood revives him. Flesh strengthens him. All while the alpha watches him as if he knows who he is.
He has no memory.
No past.
And yet…he’s drawn toward the smoke of a faraway clan.

And in that smoke, he finds a girl with the same mark on her thigh, the same empty mind, and the same forgotten language on her lips.

He’s convinced they know each other.
She’s certain they are strangers.
But the more time they spend together, the more tangled the truth becomes.
Their forgetfulness was deliberate.
To keep them apart.
To keep them lost.
To keep them from claiming their true power.
Because in that power exists a terrible choice.
A choice that could destroy the world…
…or each other.

When a Moth Loved a Bee is the first volume in the Epic Fantasy Romance Destini Chronicles.
A heavily romantic, spice-filled fantasy set in a world where life and death, shadows and stars watch over two forbidden lovers whose powers are best left forgotten.

Recommended for readers over R18 due to explicit scenes, content, and darker elements. Ends on a cliffhanger. For CW please see website.

This Fantasy is 100% romance. It isn't a quest where they spend most of the book apart. If you want a rich world, magic, intrigue, oodles and oodles of page time with the two characters together, all brimming with longing, forbiddenness, and butterfly-winging moments, then this is the book for you.

"Gorgeous and effusive, this behemoth of a fantasy shoots for the stars with an apocalyptic-level romance at its core. The moth's love for his bee is hungry, dangerously dark, and consumes on a cosmic scale. No one loves and cherishes a heartmate like this shadowy alpha. The pages purr with compassion in a mystical realm, and the cliffhanger is out of this world. I'm dying to see what happens next."
~ Pam Godwin, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author

"Pepper Winters is masterful, original, and epic! I love getting lost in her work and am always ready for more!"
- Meghan March, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author

“I absolutely LOVED this story and I cannot wait for more.
If you're familiar with Pepper's writing, you know she can write dark romance and angst and sexy AF scenes...and I promise this dive into the world of fantasy writing for her does not take away from those things. You get the best of both worlds!”
- Boys in Books are Better

“All the angst, heartbreak, and smoldering chemistry you expect from Pepper Winters beautifully woven into a fantasy world!”
Erin, Goodreads

Edições (3)

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When a Moth loved a Bee
When a Moth Loved a Bee
When a Moth loved a Bee


Resenhas para When a Moth loved a Bee (1)

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?Say you?ll give me a chance..."???
on 31/1/23

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cadastrou em:
18/06/2023 18:58:56
editou em:
18/06/2023 18:59:30

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