Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel

Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel Matt Zoller Seitz


Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel

This companion to the bestselling The Wes Anderson Collection is the only book to take readers behind the scenes of The Grand Budapest Hotel. Through a series of in-depth interviews between writer/director Wes Anderson and cultural critic Matt Zoller Seitz, Anderson shares the story behind the film’s conception, personal anecdotes about the making of the film, and the wide variety of sources that inspired him—from author Stefan Zweig to filmmaker Ernst Lubitsch to photochrom landscapes of turn-of-the-century Middle Europe. The book also features interviews with costume designer Milena Canonero, composer Alexandre Desplat, lead actor Ralph Fiennes, production designer Adam Stockhausen, and cinematographer Robert Yeoman; essays by film critics Ali Arikan and Steven Boone, film theorist and historian David Bordwell, music critic Olivia Collette, and style and costume consultant Christopher Laverty; and an introduction by playwright Anne Washburn. Previously unpublished behind-the-scenes photos, ephemera, and artwork lavishly illustrate these interviews and essays.

The Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel stays true to Seitz's previous book on Anderson's first seven feature films,The Wes Anderson Collection (ISBN 9780810997417), with an artful design and playful illustrations that capture the spirit of Anderson's inimitable aesthetic. Together, they offer a complete, definitive overview of Anderson's filmography to date.


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Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel


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on 5/4/16

Uma série de críticas do filme, entrevistas com Wes Anderson e um compilado de inspirações, desenhos, storyboad, fotografias de rascunhos e roteiros reais. Tudo que foi crucial para o diretor nos precisos detalhes do filme. A diagramação é perfeita. Repleto de imagens e impresso - acredito eu - em papel couché com uma gramatura grossinha. Tem capa dura, alguns pontos envernizados, ele é até um pouco pesado. O mais importante: além de ter um conteúdo fantástico ainda dá pra fazer aquel... leia mais


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