Were She Belongs

Were She Belongs Dixie Lynn Dwyer


Were She Belongs

Were Trilogy 1

[Ménage Amour: Erotic Fantasy Ménage a Quatre Romance, F/M/M/M, Shape-shifter] After being abducted, Lexi was unable to escape and about to be murdered. Growls. Bodies flying. The next thing she knows, she's staring into the eyes of some sexy wolf she met at the club. Her old friend, Sierra, helped save her, along with three very sexy and intimidating Alpha males. Although they are triplets, Lexi soon finds out that they are just as powerful individually as they are together. But she's never really belonged, and all she can give them is danger and pain. Paul, Saber and Andre have found their mate, and they're ready to claim her body and soul. The one problem, Lexi trusts no one. She's lived on the streets, survived on her own, and she's not about to be pampered. They know she's in danger and that she's safest with them. It's going to take some sneaky, dominant sexual tactics to convince Lexi she's where she belongs. ** A Siren Erotic Romance

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Were She Belongs


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on 20/6/11

Oie Gente!! Como eu já disse, estou num momento sobrenatural de ser. Aí, aproveitando esse momento ou a desculpa esfarrada, fui procurar alguma coisa nova para ler. Navegando pelo site da Book Strand, topei com uma trilogia da Dixie Lynn Dwyer que parecia ter tudinho o que eu andava querendo. A trilogia Werw começa com o livro Were She Belongs, que conta a estória de Lexi. Ela não sabe nada sobre seu passado, não tem nenhuma família e depois de ser atacada, precisa fugir para protege... leia mais


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Barbara Sant
cadastrou em:
20/06/2011 21:18:22

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