Well Traveled

Well Traveled Jen DeLuca


Well Traveled (Well Met #4)

The Renaissance Faire is on the move, and Lulu and Dex are along for the ride, in the next utterly charming rom-com from Jen DeLuca.

A high-powered attorney from a success-oriented family, Louisa "Lulu" Malone lives to work, and everything seems to be going right, until the day she realizes it’s all wrong. Lulu’s cousin Mitch introduced her to the world of Renaissance Faires, and when she spies one at a time just when she needs an escape, she leaps into the welcoming environment of turkey legs, taverns, and tarot readers. The only drawback? Dex MacLean: a guitarist with a killer smile, the Casanova of the Faire… and her traveling companion for the summer.

Dex has never had to work for much in his life, and why should he? Touring with his brothers as The Dueling Kilts is going great, and he always finds a woman at every Faire. But when Lulu proves indifferent to his many plaid charms and a shake-up threatens the fate of the band, Dex must confront something he never has before: his future.

Forced to spend days and nights together on the road, Lulu’s interest in the kilted bad boy grows as he shows her a side of himself no one else has seen. The stresses of her old lifestyle fade away as she learns to trust her intuition and follow her heart instead of her head. But when her time on the road is over, will Lulu go with her gut, or are she and Dex destined for separate paths?


Edições (1)

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Well Traveled


(3) ver mais
Well Met
Well Played
Well Matched

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Originalmente postada em www.instagram.com/balaiodebabados

Thanks @prhinternational for this ARC! Louisa "Lulu" Malone praticamente vive para o trabalho, na esperança de se tornar sócia do escritório que é advogada. Quando recebe uma ligação do seu chefe, ela percebe que esse seu objetivo nunca vai ser alcançado. Então, em uma atitude motivada a adrenalina, frustração e decepção, ela (literalmente) joga seu celular por ar e aceita um convite para viajar de feira renascentista em feira, como uma espécie de férias. Entre seus parceiros de ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 9
ranking 44
ranking 33
ranking 22
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Maria @booksofmary
cadastrou em:
28/01/2022 17:57:52
Maria @booksofmary
editou em:
02/07/2022 12:02:10

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