Wed to the Lich

Wed to the Lich Layla Fae


Wed to the Lich (Arranged Monster Mates #8)

Every living thing is repelled by my corpse-like body… but not my wife.
Liches are almost gone, only a handful of us left. I must marry to keep my race from extinction, yet how? No living female will ever stoop so low as to marry a lich. People fear us. They say we are the harbingers of death, bad luck, rot and decomposition.
In one last bid to carry out my duty, I request a wife through the Temple. She turns out to be a neglected, sickly thing with trembling hands and downcast eyes, seeking an arranged marriage out of despair.
And she’s perfect. Her blushes burn hot, her voice rings with feeling, and her kisses taste like summer. She is life personified, all warmth, light, and sweetness, and I crave her like darkness craves the sun.
But will she sacrifice her warm, beating heart to a creature of death like me?

The Temple, a matchmaking service for monsters, shifters, and aliens, is open for service.
Arranged Monster Mates is a series of novellas written by your favorite paranormal and sci-fi romance authors: Eden Ember, Layla Fae, and Cara Wylde.
Each of these steamy stories has it all: a possessive male, a heroine ready to sacrifice herself to the beast, plenty of spice, and a happily ever after to curl your toes!

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Wed to the Lich


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Wed to the Minotaur
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Resenhas para Wed to the Lich (5)

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Bom livro
on 9/4/24

É um bom livro, só que é pequeno e não teve desenvolvimento de personagens ou eu estava esperando mais. Ler na tradução no Kindle é muito sacrifício, acho q isso possa ter prejudicado a minha vontade de ler e a minha percepção.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 21
ranking 18
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ranking 23
ranking 9
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cadastrou em:
13/09/2023 23:19:32
Pri Paiva
editou em:
28/12/2023 15:38:47