Unexpectedly Mine

Unexpectedly Mine Erin Hawkins


Unexpectedly Mine


Since the man I thought I would be walking down the aisle with broke up with me, I’ve been focused on my business.

As the designer of Emma Belle Bridal Gowns, headlining the Blushing Bride Convention in Las Vegas has been the highlight of my year. And the legendary editor of The Dress magazine wants to feature me in their upcoming issue?
A dream come true.

And it’s my birthday! Nothing can get me down…except maybe my ex’s engagement splashed across social media.

What’s a girl to do other than drink a truck load of champagne and see a male revue show?
When a dancer pulls me up on stage, the chemistry between us is undeniable.

Forget holy matrimony, I’m going to lower my expectations for one night.
One night that just may last forever.


One last night…

After twelve years raising my baby sister, Sophie, and dancing for Las Vegas’s top male revue in order to pay bills and ensure she graduates college, I’m ready to hang up my tearaway pants and start a new life.

My intentions were to protect Emma, a captivating and tipsy woman at the show, from doing something she regrets. With chemistry neither of us can deny, the night takes an unexpected turn and we find ourselves waking up married.

It happens. We’ll correct our mistakes and move on.

But with a viral wedding video, our nuptials end up on Page Six, and Emma needs me in New York to play the part of doting new husband for a career-boosting interview.
I’ll play the part, do what she asks, then we’ll part ways.

Emma’s smart, enchanting and beautiful…and completely unexpected.
But right now, I have nothing to offer a woman like her, let alone forever.

It is a full-length romance with a Happily Ever After that features sexually explicit material and profanity. This book is intended for 18+

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Unexpectedly Mine


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Unexpectedly Mine
3 weeks, 6 days ago

Este livro é inspirador! Ele é apaixonante, sensual e comovente! Emma é doce, romântica e gentil. Griffin é protetor, atencioso e cuidadoso. Eles são tão perfeitos juntos e eu amei ver o relacionamento deles desenvolvendo e se tornando real. Uma comédia romântica feliz com um final feliz que vai deixar o seu coração quentinho!... leia mais


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Marcella Celina
cadastrou em:
24/05/2023 10:44:11
Marcella Celina
editou em:
24/05/2023 10:44:23

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