Un Trago para el camino

Un Trago para el camino Fredric Brown


Un Trago para el camino (Club del Misterio #21)

Mystery Club nº21 , 85 pp , Home and Illustrations Edmundo Fernandez , Edmon.
Fredric Brown ( October 29, 1906 , Cincinnati - March 11, 1972 ) was a writer of science fiction and mystery , best known for his characterized by large doses of humor stories and end sorprendentes.Brown was a writer writers who was always better regarded by his peers than by the general public. His story Arena (1944 ) was selected by his peers as one of the 20 best stories ever written science fiction. His story The Rolling (The Waveries ) (1954 ) was described by Philip K. Dick as can be one of the science fiction stories more influential than ever written . Ayn Rand also praised Brown's Romantic Manifesto . The author Mickey Spillane pulps said it was his favorite writer of all time . Brown also had the honor of receiving one of the three dedications of science fiction novels most famous of all time : Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein. It is also known as one of the boldest when doing experiments in narrative genre fiction writers. Although not a particularly popular writer alive, Brown 's work has generated considerable cult that continues a half century after its last brief conduct . His works are reprinted regularly and has several fan pages on the Internet both in EE . UU . as in Europe, where there have been several adaptations of his escritos.Nunca had financial security , like many other writers of pulp wrote feverishly to pay their bills -what which explains , at least in part , the uneven quality of his work. Corrector of proofs by profession, could only spend 14 years of his life as a full-time writer . Brown was also a heavy drinker, which undoubtedly affected his productivity. Omnivorous reader , with interests that went beyond most pulp writers, Brown always showed great interest in the flute. He married twice and had two children. His first science fiction story was is still not the end (Not yet the end) published in 1941 in a summ...

Crime / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

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Un Trago para el camino



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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
03/10/2021 08:17:49
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26/03/2022 13:21:35

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