Um Corpo a Mais...

Um Corpo a Mais... Ellis Peters


Um Corpo a Mais... (Grandes Obras / Livros de Bolso Europa-América #631)

One Corpse Too Many

[A Brother Cadfael Mystery Novel] "One Corpse Too Many" is a medieval mystery novel set in the summer of 1138 by Ellis Peters. It is the second novel in the Cadfael Chronicles, first published in 1979. It was adapted for television in 1994 by Central for ITV.

In the Anarchy, King Stephen takes Shrewsbury Castle, punishing the rebels. A murdered man is found among the dead rebels, a mystery for Brother Cadfael to solve, while two young men vie to be the Deputy Sheriff and vie for the lady's hand. When the novel was first published, the author was remarked for her knowledge of the historical era and ability to create it for the reader, yet "she never lets the meticulously researched place-and-time interfere with the canny puzzle, the flesh-and-blood characterization, or the sharp tension."

[Summary containing spoilers]: In August 1138, King Stephen is besieging rebels now loyal to Empress Matilda in Shrewsbury Castle. Brother Cadfael welcomes the assistance of young Godric, brought to the Abbey by his aunt. Cadfael recognises that Godric is a girl. She is Godith Adeney, daughter of Fulke Adeney, a rebel leader inside the castle. Cadfael agrees to keep her secret, thus beginning 10 adventurous days. Aline Siward and Hugh Beringar enter King Stephen's camp to pledge their loyalty. The King welcomes Aline Siward even though her absent brother Giles has declared for the Empress. He treats Hugh Beringar with more reserve, as he was betrothed as a child to Godith. To prove his loyalty, he is asked to find Godith and deliver her to the King. Beringar and Adam Courcelle, designated Deputy Sheriff once the castle falls, both fall for Aline on first sight. The castle falls the next morning, but FitzAlan and Adeney escape. Infuriated, King Stephen orders the ninety-four survivors of the turncoat garrison executed that very afternoon. Abbot Heribert of Shrewsbury Abbey offers to give Christian burial to the victims; King Stephen assents.

Counting the bodies, Cadfael finds not ninety-four, but ninety-five – one corpse too many. The extra corpse did not die by hanging. Aline finds the body of her brother Giles among the ninety-four. Very upset, Courcelle gives Aline her brother's cloak. Later, Godric/Godith identifies the murdered man as Nicholas Faintree, a squire of FitzAlan. Cadfael visits her old nurse, Petronilla Flesher for news. FitzAlan ordered squires Faintree and Torold Blund to slip out of the castle to take his treasury to safety in Wales, then to Normandy. She tells Cadfael that Beringar asked after Godith the day of the hangings, which means Beringar knows of the treasure...

Aventura / Crime / Ficção / História / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério / Drama / Crônicas / Entretenimento

Edições (3)

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Um corpo a mais...
Um Corpo a Mais...
Um Corpo a Mais...


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on 29/12/17

Como todos os livros dessa série é passado num mosteiro cerca de 1000 anos atrás. O ambiente é tranquilos com os monges e Cadfael que tem o dom de análise e descobrir coisas erradas. Antes de virar monge foi um lutador cruel com os bárbaros no Mediterrâneo. Uma figura simpática e humano. neste episódio aparece alguém que vai mudando de acordo com a a leitura e trona-se alguém muito interessante, o cavaleiro Hugh. Gosto de ler essa série. ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
28/07/2016 12:54:19
editou em:
13/09/2020 15:28:52

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