Ultimate Spider-Man #050

Ultimate Spider-Man #050 Brian Michael Bendis...


Ultimate Spider-Man #050

On the Chrysler Building, a woman dressed in black, Black Cat, watches a office room in a skyscraper. She then use a grappling dart and fire at the top of the building. Black Cat then slides on the line and onto the rooftop.
Two security guards on the bottom floor notice a disturbance on the rooftop. from the security cameras. One the older guard sends the other to investigate. The younger guard arrives on the rooftop and finds nothing. A gust of wind blew his hat off and he chases after it. Black Cat then enters the rooftop door and locking the guard outside. The younger guard calls the older guard into opening the door, as Black Cat sneaks through one of the building floor. After avoiding a cleaning custodian, Black block the security cameras and enter and breaking into the room she was examining it from before. She then finds the room's safe, and finding it without a combination lock she examines the room's surroundings and found the lock to the safe inside the desk's filing cabinet. After unlocking the safe, she finds what she is looking for: a broken piece of a tablet.

Two security guards, including the younger guard from before, had realize that there is a break in and notice the office, that Black Cat is in, is open. Black Cat hides over the ceiling as the guards investigate and notice the open safe. One of the guards suddenly trip and accidentally shot his gun in which it ricochet and hit a fire sprinkler causing it too unleash a large amount of water, heavily drenching the security guards. Black Cat escapes the room and heads to the roof. As she is about to use the line she used, she is then confronted by Spider-Man.

Spider-Man at first is stun by her appearance, and is surprised to find Black Cat leap over the building they are on. He leaps over to rescue but only to realize that she had merely clung to the side of the building and trick him into falling. Spider-Man tries to use his web-shooter but oddly finds them to be not working. On the rooftop, Black Cat was about to flee when Spider-Man leap back to the rooftop after having using his wall-crawling ability. Spider-Man tries to impede her until Black Cat fights him and easily subdue him to the ground. She then leaves right after telling to Spider-Man: "Crossed a black cat... seven years bad luck."

Spider-Man recovers himself and tries to chase after Black Cat, but suddenly trips himself. As he lies on the ground, Spider-Man and Black Cat momentarily look to each. Black Cat then suddenly leave and vanishes into the city.

At the Parker's residence, Peter is thinking about his experience with Black Cat and is interrupted by Mary Jane. The two are in the basement studying for their school mid-terms. Peter tells M.J. about deciding on whether to quit being Spider-Man or not, much to M.J.'s enjoyment. Peter at first suggest that M.J. that she doesn't want him to be Spider-Man, but M.J. stating only that she doesn't want stop being the hero and do what he have to do. However, Peter further states that the people he fought against can be sometime very dangerous to him, and even recount his actions with the Black Cat (which he doesn't mention her to M.J.) in which he almost die. Overall, Peter sums that "punching someone with octopus arms" is not "fun". Mary Jane counters his statement that punching Norman Osborne is fun, much to Peter's fond remembrance. After Peter finish talking about himself, he ask M.J. about her story. M.J. explain to him about her father, Craig was caught with another woman, and how she hate of her father. Confuse as to why he doesn't leave. Peter reassure M.J. that if he marries her, he wouldn't cheat on her. Moved by Peter's commitment, M.J. admits her love for him. The two kiss and are call out of the basement by May Parker, who tells M.J. that her father is present.

A stern Craig Watson carries M.J.'s diary much to his daughter's surprise. May, distasteful of Frank, ask him to have his problem in his own home, but Craig then tells to May that the problem also involves with Peter. M.J. was soon acknowledge his father in reading the diary and furiously left to her home. Craig stay and reveals to the Parker of a condensed entry of M.J.'s diary of her rescue from the Green Goblin by Peter as Spider-Man (the Goblin, Spider-Man, and the Queensboro bridge where M.J. was endangered are omitted in the diary). Craig then demands answer from Peter as to what kind of danger she was in. Peter remains steadfastly quiet, and Craig then finally had it and tells him to stay away from his daughter and swears to have her enroll in another school if they both try to get together. May stops Craig's outburst and tells him to leave or being call in by the police, in which he then leave. May ask Peter as to what kind of danger M.J. was in. Peter at first remain to refuse to ask but lie to May of being in a park and saves M.J. from felling on "something". When May ask as to why he couldn't said that simple explanation to Craig, Peter state that he is "a jerk", in which May agrees with his nephew. Peter is however, worry that Craig might be M.J. in which May remedy his worriment by having a "walk" by the Watson with Gwen Stacy, and would call the police if they hear "anything happens".

After May and Gwen left for their "walk", Peter then suddenly notice something on television. The news channels reveals that a security camera caught Spider-Man chasing after Black Cat which leads to suggestions that the two committed the theft that Black Cat had committed and are accomplices. As Peter shockingly watches the news, he remembers what Black Cat had told him: "And that seven years' bad luck starts... right now."

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Ultimate Spider-Man #050



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Nadyne Oliveira
cadastrou em:
01/01/2013 19:34:59

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