Two Wrongs

Two Wrongs Dani Wyatt


Two Wrongs (Meant to Be #1)

I don’t even know her name, but I already know she’ll be taking mine, and the sooner the better.

Ending marriages has been my life’s focus. I’m an expensive, pay-by-the minute legal predator for my clients wishing to end their former happily ever afters. The work suits me and until I saw the little brunette, pin-up princess sitting at the bar I never thought I’d find mine.

I put the period at the end of the world’s worst blind date and watch her eat a panna cotta like It’s changing her life.
What she doesn’t know is she’s changing mine.

Unfortunately, this brazen beauty disappears before I can secure her into my life or even find out her name. Enter fate. When I walk into my mandatory anger management training the next day, guess who’s the holding my career in her hands?

Soon, I’ll be the one with my hands on her and this time, I’ll make sure she doesn’t get away.

Author’s note: This over-the-top alpha goes to some extreme lengths to make sure his little retro future bride doesn’t give him the slip a second time. His methods may be less than legal, but he’s full-on focused on the end game. Getting her in his bed, tied to him in every way possible before she can even think of slipping away. Safe, no cheating ever and a happily ever after faster than you can count down 3,2,1.

Erótico / Romance

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Two Wrongs


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on 13/2/23

Basicamente ele ver ela enquanto está em um encontro as cegas com outra mulher, se apaixona por ela, fica bem obcecado, iaí descobre que ela meio que tem a carreira dele nas mãos, mas isso não o impende de tentar fazer ela se apaixonar por ela. Geralmente eu gosto muito dos livros dessa autora, mas esse não me agradou muito não, achei os diálogos rasos, bom pra passar o tempo.?????... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
05/07/2022 14:39:31
editou em:
05/07/2022 14:41:20

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