Twisted Lies: A Reverse Harem Shifter Omegaverse

Twisted Lies: A Reverse Harem Shifter Omegaverse Roxy Collins


Twisted Lies: A Reverse Harem Shifter Omegaverse

Blood Brothers Book 1

Some lies twist the truth, and others break your heart...

I thought my mom was the Luna of the biggest pack on the East Coast, but her deathbed confession shatters that illusion. She was traded to my dad to pay off a debt, and my whole life has been a lie.

When I go to confront my father, I stumble into traffic, and wake up with a broken arm, amnesia, and three alpha stepbrothers I struggle to remember.

Rory, Cam and Link give me a place – and a reason - to live. Now we’re reunited, we’re set on a mission to take down our corrupt father.

Only the longer we plan – and the deeper I get to know these ruthless men – the more I wonder if we’re related at all.

Especially when my omega wolf claims one of my stepbrothers for her own...

But as we near the end of our mission, my father’s assassin makes a reappearance. He helped me through my first traumatic heat, then avoided me for years. But the night our mission takes us to his doorstep, my omega side rears her needy head.

I’m going into heat again, and the only ones who can tend me are the stepbrothers I don’t trust… or the ruthless assassin who cut me out of his life.

The first book in the Blood Brothers Duet, a reverse harem omegaverse. For lovers of growly alphas, omega heat, and messy knots.

This is a continuing story, so expect a cliffhanger, but Part Two is out now! Full TWs in the Author's Note.

Ficção / Ficção científica / Romance

Edições (1)

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Twisted Lies: A Reverse Harem Shifter Omegaverse


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cadastrou em:
28/02/2024 10:37:19
editou em:
28/02/2024 10:37:27

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