Trapped with Two Alphas (Werewolf MMF Threesome Menage)

Trapped with Two Alphas (Werewolf MMF Threesome Menage) Kim Ashton


Trapped with Two Alphas (Werewolf MMF Threesome Menage)

Ash fought the wave of desire that washed through him - here was a worthy mate, and every fibre of his being wanted him to know it.

Fiery red-headed Natalia fears the worst when she finds herself caught in the middle of a forest with an unexpected blizzard quickly approaching. Making her way toward a dim light in the forest, she prays her luck has turned - and the sight of two half-naked, powerful men, a snug log cabin and a warm fire offers her more than just relief from the storm.

But the two men have a secret, and the appearance of the curvy, feminine girl tests hard-won control as they reluctantly give her shelter for the night. And when she stumbles in on their urgent desire, the temptation she offers may be too difficult to resist...

----- Excerpt -----

Damn it! What the hell was the fool woman doing watching them?!

But the scent of her pulsing pussy made it all too clear what she’d been doing – and it was driving him crazy. Ash couldn’t ever remember feeling so tempted, so driven insane with desire, as he did while he looked at the beauty in front of him, long red hair shining by the low light of the fire behind her, reflecting off the perfect curves of her body that the casual t-shirt she wore revealed easily. And damn it, her legs were entirely bare. Unable to help himself, he took another whiff of the air and realised that he had been correct in thinking there was a soft moisture lingering there on her inner thighs.

It was too much – everything within him exploded and before he could stop himself, he found himself letting out a sharp howl, springing towards her with an eagerness he hadn’t felt since his first hunt.

No, no, no, no!

Even as the human part watched the beast take over and cursed the nature he couldn’t entirely control yet, he was leaping, and he knew there was nothing he could do now – in a moment, he would be on her and then he’d take everything he desired, even if she resisted…

As his howl took on a wretched note, he found himself abruptly snatched out of the air, just before he reached the wide-eyed girl. It took him a moment to realise what had hit him as he went tumbled to the floor, his body reacting instinctively, rolling and jumping up ready to fight over what was his.

Only to come face to face with Ryan, still mostly in human form, eyes and teeth glinting as he faced his lover of a few moments ago, standing between Ash and the girl, shielding her with his body as he stopped and waited, watching Ash carefully.


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Trapped with Two Alphas (Werewolf MMF Threesome Menage)


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Bom pra passar o tempo
on 14/1/23

Muito bem descrito nas cenas quentes ?? é curtinho e já apresenta todo um contexto que pra quem é fã desse Gênero, já sabe no que vai dar kk... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
01/04/2018 15:05:48

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