Transformers: Spotlight - Ultra Magnus

Transformers: Spotlight - Ultra Magnus


Transformers: Spotlight - Ultra Magnus (Spotlight)

On Zull, Ultra Magnus apprehends the Decepticon criminal Swindle, blowing away Karzai Lorcha's forces who are protecting him. However, Swindle decides to make Ultra Magnus a deal: his freedom in exchange for Scorponok's location. Magnus realizes that Scorponok's capture would be far more important than Swindle's, and he knows that he would easily be able to catch Swindle the next time he got himself in trouble, then he could still get him to Decepticon High Justice. But is it enough for Magnus to violate the rules he enforces? Ultimately, Ultra Magnus agrees.

The information leads him to Nebulos, where he finds that Scorponok is using businessman Mo Zarak's corporation, the Zarak Consortium, as a front for his own activities. Using a holomatter disguise, Ultra Magnus penetrates into the very heart of the facility and discovers what appears to be a Nebulan whose body has been almost entirely re-engineered with Cybertronian technology; in short, a transforming Nebulan. Shortly after discovering this, his hologram is detected and destroyed, and Ultra Magnus reenters the facility via less subtle means. He encounters a group of Cybertronian drones—which are lacking heads. Defeating the drones, Magnus realizes that something serious is going on, and heads into the underground facility.

Once underground, Ultra Magnus offers Scorponok a chance to surrender, which is interrupted by an attack. Although Scorponok's usual modus operandi is to flee when discovered, he says that what he is working on is something "breathtaking", and Magnus cannot be allowed to interfere. In the ensuing battle, Mo Zarak, afraid that all his work will be lost, tries to stop Scorponok and is shot in the crossfire, revealing cybernetic components in his body. Ultra Magnus takes advantage of Scorponok's distraction at having seemingly killed Mo Zarak and shoots the Decepticon in the face. Scorponok, damaged and distraught over the loss of his research, flees through an artificial wormhole generator.

Twenty-nine stellar cycles later on Buras, Ultra Magnus finds himself taking Swindle into custody once more. As Swindle once again tries to bargain his way out of trouble, Ultra Magnus wonders just how many compromises he'll make in order to get Scorponok.

HQ, comics, mangá

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Transformers: Spotlight - Ultra Magnus



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cadastrou em:
01/03/2023 18:46:48
editou em:
01/03/2023 18:47:05

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