To Touch the Light

To Touch the Light E.M. Lindsey


To Touch the Light (Irons and Works #07)

“I see them…In you, I see them.”

Estranged from his family and locked in a demanding job which monopolizes all of his time, Head Chef, Mario Garcia, doesn’t exactly have holiday spirit. He spends all season creating magic for others, and for himself, he’s resigned to another lonely winter. There’s a reason he’s known as the Devil in Fairfield Resort’s high-end kitchen, and he has no plans to change that. What most people don’t realize, however, is that Chef Garcia has a soft spot for one man—a half-blind, Russian dishwasher who is the first person in years to make Mario feel.

Viktor Popov's life is full of secrets and lies. He showed up in Fairfield with a handful of suspicious papers, no past, and secured a job in the bowels of a resort kitchen. He spends his waking hours washing dishes and trying his best to manage his failing eyesight without anyone taking notice. Once upon a time, he was a man of wealth and reputation, and now he’s living day-to-day, hoping no one will ever take notice.

It's been forever since Vitya believed in anything, and these long years of loneliness only proved to him that miracles didn’t exist. At least, until the night when warm hands pulled him out of the cold, and a soft voice whispered in his ear that he mattered.

Life isn’t easy, and both men have never expected any different. But maybe, by the soft light of the menorah, both men will finally be able to see that for each other, they’re exactly what they need.


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To Touch the Light


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on 23/5/23

Apesar de achar que tudo aconteceu meio rápido, estou encantada com Mario e Viktor, eles são muito fofos, e o Irons and Works ajudando eles a terem uma comunidade em quem podem confiar foi muito bom de se ler. Mesmo tendo poucas páginas, ê autore soube dar profundidade aos personagens, e ainda abordar temas sensíveis como disforia, baixa visão e condições subumanas que vive um imigrante ilegal. E fico feliz delu ter usado de várias leitura sensíveis para ficar bem adequado ao que quer... leia mais


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