To Black with Love

To Black with Love Jc Andrijeski


To Black with Love

It was too late to save him. It was too late for him to want to be saved. Nice guy Nick, ex-cop, decorated vet... was no more. Nick Tanaka has been missing for months. After that mess on the Thai island of Koh Mangaan, Miri and Black search for Nick all over Europe, following every lead, every rumor or trail they can run down. Those footsteps are rapidly fading, though. Miri has to face facts. Nick is probably dead. Whether the vampires killed him, or he died in that fire on Koh Mangaan, she might never know. She and Black return to the United States, back to San Francisco, back to the reality of her Uncle Charles and the civil war he's brought to American soil. Charles wants nothing more than to wipe out the vampire race, and he's willing to enslave or kill every human on the planet to do it. As his newly-founded "Purity Movement" starts riots in several states, the unrest moves closer to Black and Miri, even as Charles continues to pressure them to join the war on his side. The vampires are worried about Charles, too--so worried, their king contacts Black, wanting an alliance. In return, he promises news on Nick. It's an offer Miri can't refuse. TO BLACK WITH LOVE is book ten in the QUENTIN BLACK MYSTERY series, a paranormal mystery series starring brilliant but dangerous psychic detective, Quentin Black, and his partner, forensic psychologist Miri Fox. It's also a spinoff of the BRIDGE & SWORD SERIES. THE QUENTIN BLACK SERIES encompasses a number of dark, gritty paranormal mystery arcs with science fiction elements, starring brilliant and mysterious Quentin Black and forensic psychologist Miriam Fox. For fans of realistic paranormal mysteries with romance elements, the series spans continents and dimensions as Black solves crimes, takes on other races and tries to keep his and Miri's true identities secret to keep them both alive. QUENTIN BLACK MYSTERY SERIES Black In White (Quentin Black Mystery #1) Black As Night (Quentin Black Mystery #2) Black On Black (Quentin Black Mystery #3) Black Is Back (Quentin Black Mystery #4) Black And Blue (Quentin Black Mystery #5) Black Of Mood (Quentin Black Mystery #6) Black To Dust (Quentin Black Mystery #7) In Black We Trust (Quentin Black Mystery #8) Black The Sun (Quentin Black Mystery #9) To Black With Love (Quentin Black Mystery #10)

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