Till We Have Faces

Till We Have Faces C. S. Lewis


Till We Have Faces

A Myth Retold

“I saw well why the gods do not speak to us openly, nor let us answer . . . Why should they hear the babble that we think we mean? How can they meet us face to face till we have faces?”

Haunted by the myth of Cupid and Psyche throughout his life, C.S. Lewis wrote this, his last, extraordinary novel, to retell their story through the gaze of Psyche’s sister, Orual. Disfigured and embittered, Orual loves her younger sister to a fault and suffers deeply when she is sent away to Cupid, the God of the Mountain. Psyche is forbidden to look upon the god’s face, but is persuaded by her sister to do so; she is banished for her betrayal. Orual is left alone to grow in power but never in love, to wonder at the silence of the gods. Only at the end of her life, in visions of her lost beloved sister, will she hear an answer.

"Till We Have Faces succeeds in presenting with imaginative directness what its author has described elsewhere as ‘the divine, magical, terrifying and ecstatic reality in which we all live’ . . . [It] deepens for adults that sense of wonder and strange truth which delights children in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, and other legends of Narnia." —New York Times

"The most significant and triumphant work that Lewis has . . . produced." —New York Herald Tribune

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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Till We Have Faces
Till We Have Faces


Resenhas para Till We Have Faces (2)

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on 20/8/10

Basicamente o único romance sério do Lewis, e a sua real obra-prima. O modo como ele reconta a história de Cupido e Psique do ponto de vista da irmã mais velha já é hipnotizante, mas a direção que o livro toma no ato final é nada menos que espetacular. Prepare-se para abandonar todas as convenções sobre o que um mito pode nos dizer, e ser guiado para lugares inesperados dentro da sua própria alma. E assustadores. E quando sair, ficar um bom tempo recuperando o fôlego. E então perceber... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 9
ranking 67
ranking 11
ranking 11
ranking 11
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14/12/2016 14:02:23

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