Tic Tac: The Game of Death

Tic Tac: The Game of Death Cristhian Couto


Tic Tac: The Game of Death

Five students are taken to the Circe school detention. Freddy, Samara, Jason, Mortícia and Carrie.
Trapped in a classroom they need to live together even if they have no affection for each other. But everything changes when the horror club finds tickets to the park, Nightmare of the Night, which has settled in the city. In an act of rebellion the five young people steal the tickets.
Circe students follow to the park and mysteriously are connected again when they receive a gift from a clown named Boby. The club of the five, goes to the tunnel in search of their gift, but in seconds their happiness is consumed when they enter their worst nightmare. Trapped in a solitary park where they have to face their worst fears in order to survive, an insane game commanded by their friend the clown, Boby.

Horror / LGBT / GLS / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Tic Tac: The Game of Death


Resenhas para Tic Tac: The Game of Death (1)

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on 4/9/21

Muito bom, te deixa sempre com vontade de saber o que vai acontecer em breve. Ver cada personagem do clube do horror enfrentando seus medos para salvar seus amigos, é sensacional. Entraram colegas e saíram ligados eternamente. Por mais que seja de terror, o livro aborda sim, temas LGBT. Não achei uma forma muito sutil, me pareceu que o autor queria colocar ali, não sabia como e só deixou, mas tudo bem. Gostei bastante, realmente conseguiu me prender, e ainda nos deixa curiosos para... leia mais


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Avaliações 5.0 / 1
ranking 100
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Cristhian Couto
cadastrou em:
05/05/2021 20:46:17
Cristhian Couto
editou em:
05/05/2021 20:46:50

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