This Spells Love

This Spells Love Kate Robb


This Spells Love

What if one little wish changed everything?

A young woman tries to heal her heartbreak by casting a spell to erase her ex from her past—but she wakes up in an alternate reality where she’s lost more than she wished for—in this witty, whimsical friends-to-lovers debut

When Gemma Wilde gets dumped by her long-term boyfriend, she reacts the way any reasonable twenty-eight-year-old would: by getting drunk with her sister, kooky aunt, and best friend, Dax. After drinking one too many margaritas, they decide to perform a love cleansing spell, which promises to erase Gemma’s ex from her memory. They follow all the instructions, including a platonic kiss from Dax to seal the deal.

When Gemma wakes up, she realizes that this silly spell has worked. Not only does it seem that she never dated her ex, but the rest of her life is completely unrecognizable. The worst part: Dax has no idea who she is.

To reverse the spell and get back to her old life, Gemma must convince her once-best-friend-now-near-stranger to kiss her. But as she carries out her plans, she finds herself falling for him--hard. Soon, Gemma begins to wonder whether she even wants to go back to the way things once were. What if Dax was The One all along?

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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This Spells Love


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Um feitiço de amor

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Amei! - 5 estrelas
on 18/12/23

Essa foi uma leitura leve, divertida e muito gostosinha. Me identifiquei muito com Gemma e suas dificuldades em tomar decisões e sair da zona de conforto. Achei que a construção da personagem foi incrível. O livro também serve muita química entre o casal principal, eu amei o desenvolvimento deles e acabei a história com um coração quentinho. TODOS os personagens secundários são maravilhosos, mas um destaque vai para a irmã de Gemma, Kiersten. A relação das duas é muito incrível mesmo ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 15
ranking 40
ranking 27
ranking 33
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cadastrou em:
22/06/2023 13:03:39
editou em:
22/06/2023 13:05:50

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