This Cruel Love

This Cruel Love Nikki J. Summers


This Cruel Love

RyleyDon't trust the fairy tales. They trick you into believing true love will appear on the back of a white horse, in the form of a perfect, handsome Prince Charming. Most of the time Prince Charming turns out to be even more deceptive and evil than the wolf himself. I thought I'd met my soul mate at high school. Turned out my Mr Wright was so very wrong. JacksonI live in a cruel and unforgiving world. I learnt from an early age how vicious life can be, but I'm a survivor. Life may have dragged me down to the depths of hell, but I know how to dance with the devil. Sometimes bad things happen to good people for no other reason than to remind us that this life is cruel. Sometimes good people are pushed to do very bad things to right the wrongs of another. But when all is said and done, we need to ask ourselves... how far would you go to protect the ones you love? Ryley thinks she has her whole life mapped out. Her happy ever after with her high school sweet heart Justin is already planned down to the very last detail. But life doesn't always work out the way we expect it to, and when demons from Justin's life threaten to destroy everything they've built up, Ryley finds herself thrown into a world of deception, lies and confusion. Truths get twisted, love and hate walk a dubious thin line and the enemy you think you know isn't always what they seem.This book serves as a reminder that the first Prince Charming to cross your path isn't always the hero in your happy ever after. *An enemies to lovers, second chance novel. Although this story isn't a dark read, there are elements of darkness within, so please take note of the trigger warnings. There are cameos from Luca's story in this book. However, you don't have to have read Luca to enjoy this, it can be read as a standalone. **Warning: 18 years + recommended reader age due to sexual content. This story also contains scenes of drug abuse, suicide and sexual violence that may be upsetting to readers. Please proceed with caution.

Erótico / Romance

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This Cruel Love


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on 26/4/21

'This Cruel Love' é o segundo livro da Nikki J. Summers que leio e da para perceber, claramente, uma evolução na escrita e desenvolvimento da autora. A história de Ryley e Jackson é mais complexa, completa. Ryley é uma mocinha um tanto quanto irritante no início. Suas palavras e ações são conflitantes; vive dizendo que não age como o povo rico da cidade (mesmo sendo membro de uma família rica) que vivem falando mal das pessoas pelas costas, mas não para de julgar o Jackson, fazer supo... leia mais


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