Things We Lost to the Water

Things We Lost to the Water Eric Nguyen


Things We Lost to the Water

Exquisitely well-written, Things We Lost to the Water is a tender, haunting story of loss, love, family and survival. A moving and powerful debut. Charles Yu, National Book Award-winning author of Interior Chinatown A stunning debut novel about an immigrant Vietnamese family who settles in New Orleans and struggles to remain connected to one another as their lives are inextricably reshaped. When Huong arrives in New Orleans with her two young sons, she is jobless, homeless, and worried about her husband, Cong, who remains in Vietnam. As she and her boys begin to settle in to life in America, she continues to send letters and tapes back to Cong, hopeful that they will be reunited and her children will grow up with a father. But with time, Huong realizes she will never see her husband again. While she copes with this loss, her sons, Tuan and Binh grow up in their absent father's shadow, haunted by a man and a country trapped in their memory and imagination. As they push forward, the three adapt to life in America in different ways: Huong takes up with a Vietnamese car salesman who is also new in town; Tuan tries to connect with his heritage by joining a local Vietnamese gang; and Binh, now going by Ben, embraces his adopted homeland and his burgeoning sexuality. Their search for identity--as individuals and as a family--threatens to tear them apart. But then disaster strikes the city they now call home, and they must find a new way to come together and honor the ties that bind them.


Edições (1)

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Things We Lost to the Water


Resenhas para Things We Lost to the Water (1)

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on 13/10/21

Este romance segue uma família vietnamita que foge para os Estados Unidos em 1979. A história é cativante, a escrita é absolutamente linda e poética. Gostei muito de como a família é o coração deste romance. Enquanto Huong, Tuan e Binh passam por suas próprias provações e jornadas ao chegar nos EUA, achei muito legal de ver como seus laços familiares era algo que precisavam trabalhar e mesmo com as altos e baixos, eles nunca desistiam um do outro. Confesso que achei o livro curto,... leia mais


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