The World According to Groucho Marx

The World According to Groucho Marx David Brown


The World According to Groucho Marx

An hilarious opinion on every subject, a radical riposte for every occasion, the genius of Groucho Marx has amused and bemused millions across the globe. In The Wicked Wit of Groucho Marx, aspects of the personal life of this great American comedian are revealed and explored, along with the highs and the lows of his professional life, covering such subjects as childhood and family, women and love, marriage and divorce, politics and wealth. Born in New York in 1890, to a French mother and German father, Julius Henry 'Groucho' Marx began his stage career at fifteen, and after many disappointments and much perseverance, he enjoyed his first success alongside his brothers in a Broadway show in 1924. More successful stage shows followed, until his clever word-play and unique wit began to spread to a much wider audience through his many films, books and radio shows. An entertaining and informative biography, this features extracts and quotes from Marx's works, and provides a fascinating insight into this unique individual; arguably the 20th century's greatest comedian. A must for all Groucho Marx aficionados.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

Edições (1)

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Marxismo não está com nada; bom mesmo é o groucho-marxismo...
on 13/10/18

Ainda que contenha muitos dados biográficos, informações e citações, esta não é uma biografia exaustiva do notável comediante Groucho Marx, nascido Julius Henry Marx (1890-1977). Trata-se de um apanhado geral de sua vida e de suas frases e anedotas mais conhecidas. David Brown, o autor, se refere ainda aos irmãos de Julius Henry, Chico, Harpo e Zeppo, mas o livro é mesmo sobre Groucho: sua infância, o início da carreira artística com os irmãos, o cinema, o teatro (vaudeville), o ... leia mais


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07/10/2018 09:29:19

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