The Wee Free Men

The Wee Free Men Terry Pratchett


The Wee Free Men Review

Nine-year-old Tiffany Aching needs magic--fast! Her sticky little brother Wentworth has been spirited away by the evil Queen of faerie, and it’s up to her to get him back safely. Having already decided to grow up to be a witch, now all Tiffany has to do is find her power. But she quickly learns that it’s not all black cats and broomsticks. According to her witchy mentor Miss Tick, "Witches don’t use magic unless they really have to...We do other things. A witch pays attention to everything that’s going on...A witch uses her head...A witch always has a piece of string!" Luckily, besides her trusty string, Tiffany’s also got the Nac Mac Feegles, or the Wee Free Men on her side. Small, blue, and heavily tattooed, the Feegles love nothing more than a good fight except maybe a drop of strong drink! Tiffany, heavily armed with an iron skillet, the feisty Feegles, and a talking toad on loan from Miss Tick, is a formidable adversary. But the Queen has a few tricks of her own, most of them deadly. Tiffany and the Feegles might get more than they bargained for on the flip side of Faerie! Prolific fantasy author Terry Pratchett has served up another delicious helping of his famed Discworld fare. The not-quite-teen set will delight in the Feegles’ spicy, irreverent dialogue and Tiffany’s salty determination. Novices to Pratchett’s prose will find much to like here, and quickly go back to devour the rest of his Discworld offerings. Scrumptiously recommended. (Ages 10 to 14) --Jennifer Hubert

Edições (4)

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The Wee Free Men
The Wee Free Men
The Wee Free Men
The Wee Free Men


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Resenhas para The Wee Free Men (3)

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on 11/2/09

"Todas as bruxas são egoístas, disse a Rainha. Mas os terceiros pensamentos de Tiffany disseram: então transforme o egoísmo em uma arma! Que todas as coisas sejam suas! Que as vidas e os sonhos e as esperanças dos outros sejam seus! Proteja-os! Salve-os! Traga-os para o curral! Enfrente a tempestade por eles! Mantenha o lobo à distância! Meus sonhos! Meu irmão! Minha família! Minha terra! Meu mundo! Como ousa tentar roubar de mim essas coisas, porque elas são todas minhas!" Eu queria ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 31
ranking 58
ranking 26
ranking 13
ranking 3
ranking 0



Felipe Trevelin
cadastrou em:
11/02/2009 14:05:15

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