The Warlord Wants Forever

The Warlord Wants Forever Kresley Cole


The Warlord Wants Forever (Immortals After Dark #1)

Immortals After Dark, Book 01

The Warlord
Nikolai Wroth, a ruthless vampire general, will stop at nothing to find his Bride, the one woman who can “blood” him, making his heart beat and filling him with strength. Coldly interested only in the power his Bride will bring, he can hardly believe when Myst the Coveted awakens him body—and soul.

The Seductress
Famed throughout the world as the most beautiful Valkyrie, Myst has devoted her life to protecting a magical jewel and to fighting the vampires.Wroth provides her with the perfect opportunity to torment her sworn enemy—for with his new heartbeat comes a consuming sexual desire that can only be slaked by her. Denying him, she flees, struggling to forget his searing, possessive kiss.

The Hunt is on...
She eludes him for five years, but he has finally chased her to ground and stolen her enchanted jewel, giving him absolute power over her. Now that she’s his for the taking, he intends to make her experience first-hand the agonizing, unending lust she subjected him to for half a decade. Yet when Nikolai realizes he wants far more than vengeance from Myst and frees her, will she come back to him?

Romance / Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (5)

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The Warlord Wants Forever
The Warlord Wants Forever
The Warlord Wants Forever
The Warlord Wants Forever


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Resenhas para The Warlord Wants Forever (19)

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on 15/10/10

qndo o sério e aristocrata general vampiro Nikolau e Misty a Sedutora se encontram as coisas esquentam e muito... Misty por sua beleza sem igual é a chamariz das valquirias a que seduz para abrir o caminho de suas irmãs, o que ela não imagina é que dessa vez o feitiço vai virar contra ela, e mesmo depois de 5 anos ela ainda sonha com seu vampiro. Que a persegue, procurando vingança por ter sido abandonado, o que no seu caso é muito mais que a dor da separação, pois como sua "noiva" o a... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 335
ranking 32
ranking 31
ranking 28
ranking 7
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
10/02/2011 22:30:17
editou em:
09/02/2016 18:01:01

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