The Vincent Brothers

The Vincent Brothers Abbi Glines


The Vincent Brothers (Vincent Boys #2)

Extended and Uncut

Sawyer and Lana’s romance just got steamier in this exclusive eBook-only companion to the printed original that includes scandalous, heart-pounding scenes.

Getting a boy to fall head-over-heels in love with you isn’t easy. Especially when he’s been in love with your cousin for as long as you can remember.

Lana has lived her life in her cousin’s shadow. Ashton always made perfect grades, had tons of friends, and looks model-perfect. And she’s always had Sawyer Vincent—the only boy Lana’s ever wanted—wrapped around her finger. But now things are different. Lana has a chance to make Sawyer see her, and she’s taking it. If only he’d get over Ashton—because Lana is sick of second-best.

Sawyer’s heart is broken. He’s lost his best girl to his best friend. And then Lana comes to town. Ashton’s cousin has always been sweet and soft-spoken, but now she’s drop-dead gorgeous as well. Sawyer doesn’t know if Lana can heal his broken heart, but spending time with her might at least make Ashton jealous.

What starts as a carefree fling becomes a lusty game of seduction. Sawyer and Lana may have different motives, but their scintillating hookups are the same kind of steamy. . . .

Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Vincent Brothers


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2° livro da Série The Vincent Boys - Sinopse
on 9/6/21

Conseguir que um menino se apaixone por você não é fácil. Especialmente quando ele está apaixonado pela sua prima desde você possa lembrar. Lana viveu sua vida na sombra de sua prima. Ashton sempre teve notas perfeitas, tinha toneladas de amigos, e parecia o modelo perfeito. E ela sempre teve em Sawyer Vincent, o único menino que ela sempre quis. Mas agora as coisas são diferentes. Lana tem uma chance de fazer Sawyer vê-la, e ela está apostando nisso. Se ao menos ele superasse Ashton, ... leia mais


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