The Vespertine

The Vespertine Saundra Mitchell


The Vespertine

The summer of 1889 is the one between childhood and womanhood for Amelia van den Broek-and thankfully, she's not spending it at home in rural Maine. She's been sent to Baltimore to stay with her stylish cousin, Zora, who will show her all the pleasures of city life and help her find a suitable man to marry.

Archery in the park, dazzling balls and hints of forbidden romance-Victorian Baltimore is more exciting than Amelia imagined. But her gaiety is interrupted by disturbing, dreamlike visions she has only at sunset-visions that offer glimpses of the future. Soon, friends and strangers alike call on Amelia to hear her prophecies. Newly dubbed "Maine's Own Mystic", Amelia is suddenly quite in demand.

However, her attraction to Nathaniel, an artist who is decidedly outside of Zora's circle, threatens the new life Amelia is building in Baltimore. This enigmatic young man is keeping secrets of his own- still, Amelia finds herself irrepressibly drawn to him. And while she has no trouble seeing the futures of others, she cannot predict whether Nathaniel will remain in hers.

When one of her darkest visions comes to pass, Amelia's world is thrown into chaos. And those around her begin to wonder if she's not the seer of dark portents, but the cause.

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The Vespertine


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The Vespertine mostra a maioria dos charmes da época vitoriana e é cheio de mistérios
on 3/7/10

Eu simplesmente amo a época Vitoriana *-* cheia de bailes, vestidos, romance… *-* The Vespertine mostra a maioria dos charmes da época, com aquela fala mais formal, com romances proibidos e as regras de etiqueta imposta à sociedade… Eu amei! Esse foi meu primeiro livro da Saundra Mitchell, e agora estou morrendo de vontade de ler o Shadowed Summer… O plot é envolvente e já começa cheio de mistérios… Quem é o Nathaniel? Porque a Amélia está arruinada? O que aconteceu em Baltimore? ... leia mais


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Mandy Porto
cadastrou em:
03/07/2010 14:36:59

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