The Turn of the Key

The Turn of the Key Ruth Ware


The Turn of the Key

When Rowan stumbles across an ad for a live-in nanny, she’s looking for something else completely. But it seems like too good an opportunity to miss—with a staggeringly generous salary. And when she arrives at Heatherbrae House, she is smitten—by the luxurious “smart” house fitted out with all modern conveniences, by the beautiful Scottish Highlands, and by this picture-perfect family.

What Rowan doesn’t know is that she’s stepping into a nightmare—one that will end with a child dead and Rowan in prison awaiting trial for murder.

Writing to her lawyer from prison, Rowan struggles to explain the unravelling events that have led to her incarceration. It wasn’t just the constant surveillance from the cameras installed around the house, or the malfunctioning technology that woke the household with booming music, or turned the lights off at the worst possible time. It wasn’t just the children, who turned out to be a far cry from the immaculately behaved model children she met at her interview. It wasn’t even the way she was left alone for weeks at a time, with no adults around apart from the enigmatic handyman, Jack Grant

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Turn of the Key


(1) ver mais
A Volta da Chave

Resenhas para The Turn of the Key (0)

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on 6/4/24

thriller 6/7 do mês de março! esse, pra mim, foi o que mais se pareceu com um livro de terror! o cenário de uma casa velha isolada de tudo e de todos, com câmeras em todos os cômodos, mas que você NÃO consegue acessar, com uma história assombradora, e que ainda faz barulhos estranhos durante a noite? isso sem falar nas CRIANÇAS! tava me cagando de medo real lendo algumas partes!! CRE DO... leia mais

Vídeos The Turn of the Key (2)

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[RESENHA] A volta da chave, Ruth Ware | Suspense psicológico

[RESENHA] A volta da chave, Ruth Ware | Suspe

o que eu li em novembro :)

o que eu li em novembro :)


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Avaliações 3.9 / 25
ranking 28
ranking 44
ranking 24
ranking 4
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
01/01/2020 23:08:03
editou em:
13/05/2023 19:48:09

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