The Trouble With Love

The Trouble With Love Lauren Layne


The Trouble With Love (Sex, Love & Stiletto #4)

As Lauren Laynes salacious Sex, Love & Stiletto series returns, a jaded columnist discovers a steamy way to get over an old flame: falling for him all over again.

As Stiletto magazines authority on all things breakup-and-heartache, Emma Sinclair writes from personal experience. Five years ago, Emma was Charlotte, North Carolinas darling debutante and a blushing bride-to-be. Now shes the ice queen of the Manhattan dating scene. Emma left her sultry Southern drawl behind, but not even her closest friends know that with it she left her heart. Now Emmas latest article forces her to face her demonsnamely, the devilishly sexy guy who ditched her at the altar.

After giving up everything for a pro-soccer career, Alex Cassidy watches his dreams crumble as a knee injury sidelines him for good. Now hes hanging up his cleats and giving journalism a shot. Its just a coincidence that he happens to pick a job in the same field, and the same city, as his former fiancée . . . right? But when Emma moves in next door, its no accident. Its research. And Alex cant help wondering what might have been. Unlike the innocent girl he remembers, this Emma is chic, sophisticated, and assertiveand she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. The trouble is, Alex has never wanted her more.

Romance / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Trouble With Love
The Trouble with Love


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Love The One You
After The Kiss
Just One Night
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Resenhas para The Trouble With Love (42)

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on 27/2/22

sem dúvida alguma esse foi o melhor livro da série. o casal é apaixonante e simplesmente perfeito! eu amo demais a trope de second chance e devo dizer que esse livro prometeu pouco, mas entregou tudo. eu me conectei muito mais com esses personagens do que com os outros, e amei os dois demais, tanto individualmente quanto juntos.... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 421
ranking 45
ranking 42
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28/05/2015 06:32:04

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