The Temperature of Me and You

The Temperature of Me and You Brian Zepka


The Temperature of Me and You

Sixteen-year-old Dylan Highmark thought his winter was going to be full of boring shifts at the Dairy Queen, until he finds himself in love with a boy who's literally too hot to handle.

Dylan has always wanted a boyfriend, but the suburbs surrounding Philadelphia do not have a lot in the way of options. Then, in walks Jordan, a completely normal (and undeniably cute) boy who also happens to run at a cool 110 degrees Fahrenheit. When the boys start spending time together, Dylan begins feeling all kinds of ways, and when he spikes a fever for two weeks and is suddenly coughing flames, he thinks he might be suffering from something more than just a crush. Jordan forces Dylan to keep his symptoms a secret. But as the pressure mounts and Dylan becomes distant with his closest friends and family, he pushes Jordan for answers. Jordan's revelations of why he's like this, where he came from, and who's after him leaves Dylan realizing how much first love is truly out of this world. And if Earth supports life that breathes oxygen, then love can only keep Jordan and Dylan together for so long.

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The Temperature of Me and You


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A Temperatura Entre Você e Eu

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o famoso meia estrela por ser um livro
on 16/7/22

SENHOR que bomba é essa e como alguém tem coragem de publicar isso??? Foi uma das piores experiências literárias que eu já tive e olha que eu já li muito livro ruim. Simplesmente NADA aqui faz sentido, os personagens não tem o mínimo de personalidade muito menos desenvolvimento e a parte de sci-fi é tenebrosa de mal feita. Fora os momentos que o autor tenta colocar alguma profundidade e só joga umas frases de efeito bem m3rd4s. Esse livro prometeu tanto e n entregou nada. Tenho que d... leia mais


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