The Sweetness Between Us

The Sweetness Between Us Sarah Winifred Searle


The Sweetness Between Us

From the creator of The Greatest Thing, a new YA graphic novel about bout a boy dealing with a chronic illness who finds a new friend in a vampire classmate perfect for fans of Vampire Academy.

After health problems wiped out their first few weeks of school, Perley and Amandine are both starting their Junior year behind their classmates, and both have major changes in their lives that they’re struggling to get used to. Perley was diagnosed with diabetes over the summer, and worries that all these new medical expenses will be a hardship on his family. And Amandine, part of a venerated family of vampires, has been turned much younger than she expected to be after a car accident nearly killed her. The two of them form a fast friendship – both feel a little out of step with their old lives, and as a bonus, it turns out that Amandine’s new vampire abilities can help Perley save money on blood glucose tests. But as the year goes on, they’re forced to admit that maybe their coping strategies – and their blood-sipping-turned-romance – aren’t working out so well after all. Will they be able to get their lives back to normal? Or will both have to figure out new ways for their “normal” to look?

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Sweetness Between Us
The Greatest Thing


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Vampire Academy

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Representatividade e quentinho no coracao!
on 22/6/22

Encontrei esse livro por acaso e que acaso gostoso!! Uma leitura rapida, mas que voce se apega e se identifica com os personagens... se sente amiga deles!!!! Muita representatividade como pessoas nao binarias, gordas, trans, LGBTQI, etc! Cuidado com gatilhos em relacao a automutilacao e transtorno alimentar (eh abordado de forma leve). Me surpreendeu que essa eh a primeira resenha... Esse quadrinho precisa de mais visibilidade!!... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
31/10/2023 01:24:50
editou em:
31/10/2023 01:25:35

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