The Surrogate

The Surrogate Penelope Ward


The Surrogate

I’m falling for the father of the baby I’m carrying.
The problem is: it’s not my baby.
And the broody widower is not looking for a long-term partner.
As a surrogate, the deal was that I’d only be in England long enough to give birth.
At first, the man seemed as pretentious as his name: Sigmund Benedictus.
He and I butted heads.
Sig challenged my intentions, accused me of just wanting to do this for the money.
Gradually, he learned to trust me.
He even became protective.
Over time, our heated animosity turned into fiery chemistry.
I was falling in love with him.
But my time here had a limit.
I needed to protect my heart from the devastatingly gorgeous older man who’d end up breaking it.
When my in-laws told me they wanted to use my dead wife’s eggs to conceive a grandchild, I wasn’t immediately on board.
They swore that on her deathbed Britney told them it was what she wanted—but only if I fathered the baby. Her parents insisted they would be the ones to raise it.
Against my better judgment, I agreed.
I vowed to keep my heart out of it, though.
I’d continue to pretend it wasn’t happening and live the empty, single life I’d become accustomed to the past five years since Britney died.
And despite the fact that a certain younger American named Abby Knickerbocker had awakened things inside me that I thought were long dead…
I most certainly wouldn’t fall in love with the surrogate.


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The Surrogate


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até que não é tão ruim
1 week, 2 days ago

eu tô 100% convicta que não gosto da escrita da penelope ward; além de achar os livros dela tudo iguais. bom, esse livro não é tão ruim, confesso que a sinopse me deixou bem interessada - mas, ao decorrer da leitura, a narrativa vai ficando chata e monótona. o plot da abby sendo barriga de aluguel é bem interessante, mas quando colocado em ação, não é tão bom assim. também não gosto quando o/a protagonista perde o cônjuge, sempre fica a sensação que o interesse amoroso atual tá compe... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 43
ranking 33
ranking 40
ranking 26
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ranking 2



cadastrou em:
25/04/2024 19:55:55
editou em:
25/04/2024 19:56:30

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