The Spinster and the Rake

The Spinster and the Rake Eva Devon


The Spinster and the Rake (Never a Wallflower #01)

The marriage game is afoot in this clever blend of My Fair Lady meets Pride and Prejudice with a twist!

Edward Stanhope, the icy Duke of Thornfield, likes his life in a certain order. Give him a strong drink, a good book, and his dog for company, and he’s content. But when he goes to his library and finds a woman sitting in his chair, petting his dog, what starts as a request for her to leave quickly turns to a fiery battle of wits, leading to a steamy kiss that could ruin them both if they were caught.

So of course, damn it all, that’s when Edward’s aunt walks in, and thereafter announces Miss Georgiana Bly is the future Duchess of Thornfield.

Georgiana was content to be a spinster, spending her days reading and working to keep her family out of debt. But now her days are spent locked away with a growly duke, learning how to be the perfect duchess, and her nights spent fighting the undeniable attraction to a man who was never meant for her.

As their wedding day approaches, the attraction between them burns hot and fierce, but is it enough to melt the duke’s chilly facade?

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Spinster and the Rake


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on 20/10/22

A ideia era muito boa... escrever um romance entre um duque um baixo nível de autismo sendo obrigado a casar-se após um escandâlo com a quase-solteirona Georgiana. Junta-se a essa ideia um cuidado especial com a descrição e um cenário ambientado em um castelo e temos tudo pronto para uma leitura especial. Infelizmente... ela não deu certo. As cenas são tão longamente descritas com parágrafos e mais parágrafos descrevendo a casa que a leitura logo se torna tediante. Para tentar c... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.5 / 3
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ranking 33
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ranking 33



cadastrou em:
31/03/2021 21:08:22
editou em:
31/03/2021 21:08:54

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