The Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters Lucinda Riley


The Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters #1

The first book in a major new series from the #1 internationally bestselling author Lucinda Riley.

Maia D’Apliese and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home, "Atlantis" —a fabulous, secluded castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva—having been told that their beloved father, who adopted them all as babies, has died. Each of them is handed a tantalizing clue to her true heritage—a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Once there, she begins to put together the pieces of her story and its beginnings.

Eighty years earlier in Rio’s Belle Epoque of the 1920s, Izabela Bonifacio’s father has aspirations for his daughter to marry into the aristocracy. Meanwhile, architect Heitor da Silva Costa is devising plans for an enormous statue, to be called Christ the Redeemer, and will soon travel to Paris to find the right sculptor to complete his vision. Izabela—passionate and longing to see the world—convinces her father to allow her to accompany him and his family to Europe before she is married. There, at Paul Landowski’s studio and in the heady, vibrant cafes of Montparnasse, she meets ambitious young sculptor Laurent Brouilly, and knows at once that her life will never be the same again.

In this sweeping, epic tale of love and loss—the first in a unique, spellbinding series of seven novels—Lucinda Riley showcases her storytelling talent like never before.


Edições (4)

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The Seven Sisters
The Seven Sisters
The Seven Sisters
The Seven Sisters


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on 21/11/21

A Lucinda Riley foi excepcional nesse livro de abertura da série. O mistério do pai é como a conexão das irmãs são o centro de tudo. A autora foi excepcional ao pegar fatos históricos e juntar com ficção. Ainda mais quando falamos de Paris e Rio de Janeiro. São muitos detalhes e muitas gerações ao longo da narrativa mas tudo foi muito bem construído, apesar de um pouco cansativo. Agora e vamos da segunda irmã.... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 18
ranking 39
ranking 44
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luh lantsov
editou em:
17/01/2023 01:53:48

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