The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo

The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo F.G. Haghenbeck


The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo

One of Mexico’s most celebrated new novelists, F. G. Haghenbeck offers a beautifully written reimagining of Frida Kahlo’s fascinating life and loves.

When several notebooks were recently discovered among Frida Kahlo’s belongings at her home in Coyoacán, Mexico City, acclaimed Mexican novelist F. G. Haghenbeck was inspired to write this beautifully wrought fictional account of her life. Haghenbeck imagines that, after Frida nearly died when a streetcar’s iron handrail pierced her abdomen during a traffic accident, she received one of the notebooks as a gift from her lover Tina Modotti. Frida called the notebook “The Hierba Santa Book” (The Sacred Herbs Book) and filled it with memories, ideas, and recipes.

Haghenbeck takes readers on a magical ride through Frida’s passionate life: her long and tumultuous relationship with Diego Rivera, the development of her art, her complex personality, her hunger for experience, and her ardent feminism. This stunning narrative also details her remarkable relationships with Georgia O’Keeffe, Leon Trotsky, Nelson Rockefeller, Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, Henry Miller, and Salvador Dalí. Combining rich, luscious prose with recipes from “The Hierba Santa Book,” Haghenbeck tells the extraordinary story of a woman whose life was as stunning a creation as her art.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Romance

Edições (3)

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O segredo de Frida Kahlo
The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo
O Segredo de Frida Kahlo


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Minhas impressões sobre o livro
on 21/7/23

E finalmente conheci um pouco de Frida Kahlo. Que mulher guerreira! Fiquei impressionada com a força e determinação dessa mulher e grande artista. Suas obras são impactantes, transmitem sentimentos fortes. Nesse livro: "O segredo de Frida Kahlo " escrito por Francisco G Haghenbeck nos mostra a vida de Frida desde seu nascimento, contando um pouco sobre os pais e segue toda sua trajetória. As histórias são narradas mesclando com as comidas que Frida preparava e conquistava tanta gent... leia mais


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