The second marriage was matched to the Union Marshal

The second marriage was matched to the Union Marshal Miyu


The second marriage was matched to the Union Marshal

A year later, just after the marriage protection period, Major General Mu unilaterally announced the divorce.
Xu Xinghe learned of his divorce from his colleagues.
He hung up the phone call from Mu Qingyun during working hours with a cold expression, and sent a text message to his ex-husband after the work was finished: "Send the divorce agreement and I will sign it.
" Reports of divorces abound.
But no one expected that just a few days later, Xu Xinghe's name would be on the mastermind's marriage list again -
this time, he was matched to the alliance marshal known as the "Black God of War", Ling Changfeng.
This time Xu Xinghe prepared the divorce agreement in advance.
On the first night of marrying into Marshal's Mansion, he put the divorce agreement signed by himself in front of Marshal Ling.
"Whenever you want to divorce, just sign it."
The divorce agreement was burned by Marshal Ling in less than three months.
And those who were waiting to see Xu Xinghe's divorce for the second time, waited and waited, only waiting for the news that the marshal had spoiled his little spouse to heaven.
Ling Changfeng has never received a marriage notice from the main brain system for decades, and thought that he would never get married in this life.
"What's the good of getting married? A waste of time," said the marshal.
Later, he met the Omega who was many years younger than him and looked like a little hedgehog.
It was found that under the other party's deserted appearance, the pheromones were so sweet that they were in a mess.
"It's good to be married," thought the marshal.

[Reading Tips]
1. ABO text, more private settings, no need to be true
2. Marry first and love cookies~HE
3. This article took place in the 329th year of the Milky Way calendar. At that time, the earth was no longer there_(:3)∠)_ If everyone has accepted the setting of ABO matching marriage, then don’t use some realistic common sense Set the logic of the interstellar text QAQ read the text happily is the most important~ I love you all!

Content tags: A special liking, a match made in heaven, the proud son of heaven, sweet text

keywords : Protagonist: Xu Xinghe, Ling Changfeng |

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The second marriage was matched to the Union Marshal



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cadastrou em:
19/06/2023 15:56:57
editou em:
19/06/2023 15:57:10

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