The Scent of Jasmine

The Scent of Jasmine Christine L'Amour


The Scent of Jasmine

One of them wants nothing more than the simple life. The other doesn't know how to stop working. Thrusted together by chance, will their differences drive them apart or will they build something new?Sage Kalua has spent her entire life on the big island of Hawaii. She doesn't do the future, just lives in the present, content to just go with the flow. In terms of love, she knows that relationships don't work. Besides, a string of one night stands and meaningless sex suit her just fine.Nicholas "Nic" Peters has been told all her life she's obsessed with her work but she doesn't see it that way; she's just passionate. Besides, she's got a business to run and there's no way she'll let anyone get in her way. Everyone tells her she should find love, but who has time for that?A chance encounter brings the two women crashing together. After Sage literally falls for Nic, it's hard to ignore their electric chemistry. Although they try to fight it, the harder it gets. Tensions mount, with both women struggling not to give in. When it culminates in a night of passion, everything changes. Sage finds herself energized in a way she's never felt before, but is it enough to overcome her commitment phobia? Meanwhile, Nic is balancing maid of honor duties and a career.Can two women from opposite walks of life, find a middle ground in each other? Or will they give into fear and go back to the status quo? With the end of Nic's trip drawing closer by the minute, will this just be a holiday romance or could it be something more. Please Note: This book contains adult language and steamy adult activities, it is intended for 18] Adults Only. Novel, approximately 30,000 words in length. HEA (happy ever after ending). Does not end with a "cliffhanger." Themes include: Happily ever after, vacation romance, lesbian love, Hawaii, sea turtles, diving, scent of jasmine and coconut.

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