The Sailor in Polynesia

The Sailor in Polynesia Liz Alden


The Sailor in Polynesia (Love and Wanderlust #2)

After fighting to keep her sailboat in a bitter divorce, Mia embraces her dream to sail the South Pacific alone. Until handsome stranger Jonas drops anchor beside her.

Everything was fine; maybe my boat was a little more tired than I thought, and maybe it’s a touch lonely this far from my family. But that’s just part of sailing.

Then, on a remote tropical atoll, another boat drops anchor next to me.

It’s gorgeous, and so is the captain.

Jonas shows me everything that this sailing life could be—watching sunsets, snorkeling reefs, and enjoying camaraderie with his crew.

A sizzling kiss sparks two blissful weeks of passion, but he’s heading to New Zealand, and my little sailboat has to stay in the gentle waters of Tahiti.

There’s no way I’d give up my boat—she’s everything I’ve ever wanted.

But can I give up Jonas?

The Sailor in Polynesia features an American sailor, the Norwegian captain next door, and the forced proximity of a sailboat. Full of adventure and slow-burn steam, this standalone will take you on an adventure in the islands with plenty of pining between these two travelers.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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The Sailor in Polynesia


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*ARC recebida através do NetGalley em troca de uma opinião honesta* The Sailor in Polynesia é o segundo livro da série Love and Wanderlust. A história de Mia e Jonas foi tão bom quanto a do casal do primeiro livro. Mia é famosa por seu canal de navegação no youtube. Ela está de passagem na Polinésia Francesa, se recuperando de um divórcio tumultuado. Ela ainda se sente insegura em voltar a gravar seus vídeos e cuidar bem do seu barco Welina agora que está sozinha. E é nesse cenár... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 1
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Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
cadastrou em:
01/05/2021 15:19:42
Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
editou em:
02/05/2021 16:22:58

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