The Ruthless Boys

The Ruthless Boys C.M. Stunich


The Ruthless Boys (Adamson All-Boys Academy #2)

A High School Bully Romance

Psst, I know a secret.

The same secret that the Student Council—the super-rich, super handsome elite of Adamson All-Boys Academy—knows, too.

Jenica Woodruff, the only girl to ever attend the academy before I showed up, didn't commit suicide: she was murdered.

Now, someone is after me, too, but no matter where I go, the killer follows. My new high school isn't safe, and turns out, neither is my old one.

I'm not a member of the Student Council, but after everything we've been through together, after the horrible things we've seen, I may as well be. These ruthless boys have taken me under their wing.

Church, the fearless leader (and hopeless coffee addict). Ranger, the bada** VP (and naked baker). The identical McCarthy twins (and MMA enthusiasts). And Spencer, the boy who was willing to question everything about himself to fall for me … oh, Spencer.

Murder and romance are both in the air at Adamson; I'm just not sure which one will kill me first.

***470 pages in paperback

***THE RUTHLESS BOYS is a 100,000 word lighthearted reverse harem/high school bully romance novel with a mystery/suspense twist. This is book two of three in the series. Contains foul language and sexual scenes; any sex featured is consensual.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Ruthless Boys


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on 24/1/21

The Ruthless Boys é o segundo volume da trilogia Adamson All-Boys Academy e o mistério envolvendo as mortes está me matando. O romance entre Charlotte/Chuck é os caras do Conselho Estudantil também btw. No final de The Secret Girl, o segredo de Chuck finalmente é revelado. Todos do Conselho sabem e Spencer está chateado. Como se a relação de Charlotte e os caras (principalmente Spence) já não fosse complicada o suficiente, a garota ainda sofre mais um ataque e ainda leva os membros do... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 388
ranking 35
ranking 38
ranking 20
ranking 5
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
20/08/2019 08:28:49
editou em:
23/06/2022 23:44:49

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