The Road of Bones

The Road of Bones Demi Winters


The Road of Bones (The Ashen #1)

A Viking Romantic Fantasy

A woman on the run. A crew of Viking mercenaries. A forbidden romance. And the secret which threatens them all.

Silla Nordvig is running for her life.

The Queen of Íseldur has sent warriors to bring Silla to Sunnavík, where death awaits her. When her father is killed, his last words set Silla on a perilous quest: travel the treacherous Road of Bones–a thousand-mile stretch haunted by warbands, creatures of darkness, and a mysterious murderer–and go to Kopa, where a shield-house awaits her.

After barely surviving the first stretch of road, a desperate Silla sneaks into a supply wagon belonging to the notorious Bloodaxe Crew. To make it to Kopa, she must win over Axe Eyes, the brooding leader of the Crew, while avoiding the Wolf, his distractingly handsome right-hand man. But the queen’s ruthless assassin has other plans and hunts Silla obsessively.

Will Silla make it safely to Kopa? Or will she fall prey to the perils of the Road of Bones?

Featuring an immersive world blending fairy tale with Vikings, The Road of Bones leads you on an adrenaline-fueled chase with fun banter and a slow-building enemies to lovers romance. The first book in the Ashen Series, you are one click away from reading it!

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Road of Bones


Resenhas para The Road of Bones (2)

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Vikings, magia e segredos

Silla está acostumada com a vida nômade que vive com seu pai. Mudando-se de cidade em cidade, trocando de nomes e de histórias e ingerindo folhas de fjord (não lembro como escreve) para aplacar suas dores de cabeça. Porém tudo muda quando eles são atacados pelos guerreiros do rei em uma emboscada, onde acaba perdendo seu pai ...Silla então descobre que não é filha biológica de Matheus, e que ela é procurada pela Rainha Signe. Sem nenhuma ideia de como sobreviver sozinha, sem entender o... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 6
ranking 50
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ranking 17
ranking 17
ranking 17



cadastrou em:
15/07/2023 19:05:37
editou em:
15/07/2023 19:05:59

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