The Price Guide To The Occult

The Price Guide To The Occult Leslye Walton


The Price Guide To The Occult

From the author of The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender comes a haunting maelstrom of magic and murder in the lush, moody Pacific Northwest.

The Blackburn women are cursed. Ever since the extraordinary witch Rona Blackburn landed on Anathema Island centuries ago and was shunned by the eight "original" settlers, Blackburn witches have been doomed to carry out a brief whirlwind affair with a descendant of the Original Eight. The vengeful curse, however, had unintended side effects: it diluted the Blackburns' supernatural powers. That's perfectly all right with seventeen-year-old Nor Blackburn. All she wants is a quiet, unremarkable life—her powers are blissfully unexceptional, her love life pretty much nonexistent. Nor hopes the curse has played itself out through enough generations that she'll finally be spared the drama. But when a mysterious book comes out promising to cast any spell for the right price, Nor senses a dark storm headed straight for Anathema—and straight for her. In her second novel, Leslye Walton spins a dark, mesmerizing tale of a girl stumbling along the path toward self-acceptance and first love, even as the Price Guide's malevolent author—Nor's own mother—looms and threatens to strangle any hope for happiness.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Price Guide To The Occult
The Price Guide to the Occult


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Muito bom e diferente!
on 12/3/18

Recebi acesso antecipado a este livro através da NetGalley em troca da minha opinião honesta. Gostaria de agradecer novamente à NetGalley e à Editora Candlewick por esta incrível oportunidade. Data de publicação: 13 de março de 2018 Esse livro foi muito interessante e diferente. É um livro fácil e gostoso de ler, com uma protagonista que vai descobrindo sua força aos poucos, mas sem ser chorona. Mas vamos à sinopse: O livro se passa em uma pequena ilha chamada Anathema. Há mui... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
19/08/2017 22:41:57
editou em:
19/08/2017 22:51:00

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