The Prescient

The Prescient JC Andrijeski


The Prescient

"This is human business," the vampire said. "As I have always said, if the humans take it upon themselves to kill one another, it is often best to simply stand out of the way..." Vampire detective Nick knows a few seers. One of those seers, an antisocial male with the annoying habit of painting things before they happen, appears at Nick's work, claiming he has something to show him. That something turns out to be his latest creation, a mural of a bomb going off in downtown New York. Unfortunately, by the time Nick sees it, it's already too late. Nick has no leads apart from the painting itself, a murdered human, and the dead man's partner, the city's star designer and architect, an eccentric vampire named Straven. Soon, what starts off as a simple case of a robbery gone wrong begins to look like something a lot more sinister, with much more far-reaching consequences. It also brings Nick far too close to the life he thought he'd left behind, as a lieutenant in the White Death, the vampire criminal underground. When his ex-girlfriend shows up, a new vampire boyfriend in tow at a hip vampire club, Nick figures things really can't get any worse. Book #3 of the Vampire Detective Midnight series. VAMPIRE DETECTIVE MIDNIGHT is a romantic science fiction and fantasy series set in a futuristic, dystopian New York populated by vampires, humans and psychics trying to rebuild their world after a devastating race war nearly obliterates the previous one. A spinoff of the Quentin Black Mystery series, it features vampire with a past and homicide detective, Naoko "Nick" Tanaka, who gets transferred to the NYPD after a bad incident in Los Angeles forces him to start a new life. Nick works as a "Midnight," or vampire in the employ of the human police department, but when he arrives in New York, he really just wants to be left alone to work, surf, and deal with his immortality in peace. Life, and the residents of New York, clearly have other ideas.

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