The Postman

The Postman David Brin


The Postman

In David Brin's postapocalyptic novel, The Postman, the civilized world has been destroyed by a brief nuclear war and the ensuing nuclear winter, diseases, and barbarism. Set in what used to be Oregon, remnants of civilization exist in small independent towns inhabited by survivors and their offspring eking out a living through agriculture and trades.

Gordon Krantz is a lone wanderer, surviving by moving from village to village as a storyteller and minstrel. He finds a dead postal worker's skeleton in the woods and co-opts his clothing to stay warm. With the bag of postage, he hits upon a scam of representing himself as a postal inspector of the "Restored United States," sent to establish post offices in each town and re-establish mail service. He is surprisingly embraced everywhere he travels because of people's thirst for community and communication... and hope. He unwittingly becomes a victim of his own scam and is reluctantly thrust into a leadership role in reuniting Oregon, and by implication the rest of the nation in the future. Along the way, he discovers the way each town coped with the aftermath of the war, makes various friendships, falls in love, and leads the war against the rogue survivalists from the south.

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The Postman


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Fugindo do Caos
Mundos Apocalípticos

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O livro começa devagar, melhora no meio e perde o rumo no final.
on 11/12/14

Ficha Técnica do Livro Título: O Carteiro (The Postman) Nome do autor: David Brin Tradutor: Fábio Fernandes Data e local de publicação: Internet, 2014; Número de páginas: 253 páginas; Gênero: Ficção Científica; Sub-Gênero: Ficção Pós-apocalíptica; Nota: ★★★ (3) O Carteiro (The Postman) é um romance de ficção científica pós-apocalíptica escrito por David Brin em duas partes: “O Carteiro” em 1982 e ¨Cyclops” em 1984. Posteriormente o livro foi publicado n... leia mais


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30/08/2010 09:41:11

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