The Other Life

The Other Life Susanne Winnacker


The Other Life

The Other Life #1

3 years, 1 month, 1 week and 6 days since I'd seen daylight. One-fifth of my life. 98,409,602 seconds since the heavy, steel door had fallen shut and sealed us off from the world.
Sherry has lived with her family in a sealed bunker since things went wrong up above. But when they run out of food, Sherry and her dad must venture outside. There they find a world of devastation, desolation...and the Weepers: savage, mutant killers.
When Sherry's dad is snatched, she joins forces with gorgeous but troubled Joshua - an Avenger, determined to destroy the Weepers.
But can Sherry keep her family and Joshua safe, when his desire for vengeance threatens them all?
Sherry has lived with her family in a sealed bunker since things went wrong up above. But when they run out of food, Sherry and her dad must venture outside. There they find a world of devastation, desolation...and the Weepers: savage, mutant killers.

When Sherry's dad is snatched, she joins forces with gorgeous but troubled Joshua - an Avenger, determined to destroy the Weepers.

But can Sherry keep her family and Joshua safe, when his desire for vengeance threatens them all?


Edições (2)

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The Other Life
The Other Life


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The Other Life
on 6/3/13

The Other Life era para mim um daqueles livros que achei que demoraria muito tempo para conseguir ler. É um lançamento, pouco conhecido até mesmo no país de origem e com um plot que hoje é facilmente encontrado nas prateleiras das livrarias. Mas sou uma daquelas pessoas que não cansa de ler livros cheios de ação, teorias da conspiração, ciência e personagens fortes. Sherry está presa em um abrigo subterrâneo com sua família há 1.139 dias. Mais de três anos sem ver o sol, a grama, ou... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
03/01/2011 18:24:38
Juliana Piovani
editou em:
01/01/2016 12:14:02

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