The Other Boleyn Girl

The Other Boleyn Girl Philippa Gregory


The Other Boleyn Girl

Everyone knows the fate of Anne Boleyn, but not many know the story of her rise to majesty and the part played by her rival and sister, Mary, who was Henry's mistress and mother to two of his bastard children before the dazzling older Boleyn girl even caught his eye. Philippa Gregory, whose own role as the Queen of historical romance grows more secure with each new novel, has surpassed her self with this epic tale of lust, jealousy and betrayal. The Other Boleyn Girl charts the lives of both Boleyns--each in their turn "the other Boleyn Girl"--and their fiercely ambitious, conniving family who used the girls as pawns to advance their own positions at the court of Henry VIII. At 13, Mary is little more than a child when she is presented to Henry, ordered by her scheming family to serve her King and country by opening her legs whenever commanded, or doing anything else the great monarch desires. And while his loins are satisfied, life at court is sweet for the unofficial Queen and her pushy coterie. Inevitably though, the King's eyes soon begin to wander and Mary is overlooked, helpless to do anything but aid her family's plot to advance their fortunes, replace her with Anne and give Henry the greatest gift of all: a son and heir.


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The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl


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Impressões e sentimentos + Trechos (alguns) que amei
on 13/6/23

Esse livro é pura e simplesmente uma obra de arte, do início ao fim. Se já havia amado a escrita de Philippa Gregory em "The other queen", agora esse sentimento só se solidificou. O trabalho que essa autora faz em cima de uma época histórica tão peculiar é de fato muito fascinante. A impressão que você vai ter ao ler o livro é que ela realmente esteve ali como um ser onisciente, vendo e ouvindo tudo. Difícil acreditar que cada pedacinho do que está escrito não seja real. Claro...é tudo... leia mais


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08/11/2012 14:56:11