The Only Reason

The Only Reason Donna Schwartze


The Only Reason

The sequel to Eight Years from author Donna Schwartze The Only Reason picks up perfectly where Eight Years left off. The book has the same humor, heart, passion, and suspense of its predecessor while letting us learn more about the characters we came to know and love. I can't wait to finish The Trident Trilogy!-Reader Review Eek! Another page-turner. The Only Reason is such a suspenseful, thrilling read. I couldn't put it down. The ending is so satisfying.-Reader Review I love Millie and Mason so much. I wish you would write about them forever. They have such a sensual romance. And this one has a bit of a love triangle! The twist in this book is amazing.-Reader Review Reality. Who needs it? Definitely not Millie. She's had enough to last a lifetime. In the past six months, she finally found out who killed her mom and took out a terrorist network in the process. Phew! Enough reality. It's time for a little fantasy. And she's definitely got the right man for that: Navy SEAL Mason-the alpha male with a tender side-who protected her from danger and healed her broken heart. Then he made a life-changing sacrifice just to be near her. Who could ask for anything more? But two months into living in this blissful bubble, reality strikes again. Millie's boss tells her a shocking secret. It's news Millie has been wanting to hear for almost nine years. But is it the truth? Or is her boss only dangling this tantalizing tidbit to get her to take on another dangerous mission? There's only one way to find out-dive headfirst back into reality. But will this decision risk her relationship with Mason? Will she lose the small amount of peace she's been able to find? Is she putting any chance she has of a happily-ever-after ending on hold to chase a ghost? The Only Reason can be read as a standalone novel or as part of the series. Each book of the trilogy is wrapped up nicely at the end. Read one or read them all. The Only Reason features a steamy romance between a strong, independent woman and a possessive, but tender, alpha male. I love how this book expanded on some of the minor characters we were introduced to in Eight Years. They make the story more fun. And no spoilers, but a very happy ending.-Reader Review Visit to sign up for our email list. Subscribers get first access to discounts, free offers, prizes, and sneak peeks into future books. Instagram: @donna.schwartze Facebook: @donnaschwartzeauthor Twitter: @donnaschwartze

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